A week of drudgery and dark thoughts can be swept aside so easily.
THE FUTURIST! returned to his abode in Utter Despair and found mail awaiting his discovery. There were two bills needing to be paid, a NetFlix DVD and a postcard from overseas. Overseas?!! The back of the card was the first thing he saw and it was from Scotland. Admirers from the land of kilts and Sean Connery had sent him a postcard. Quite delightful. However, turning the card over and seeing the front (above picture) was even more smile inducing; a picture of Woody Allen as Jimmy Bond, James Bond's nephew (alias Dr. Noah) from CASINO ROYALE (1967).
Ah, Great Britain, Ireland and Scotland. It seems destined to be a land that THE FUTURIST! needs to explore. It is the home of new Internet acquaintances, namely Amber Wilkinson of EYE FOR FILM, the Dr. Who enthusiast man/child David Quin, the comically ever angry Jonnie Marbles, the aptly named Ms. Wozy Hamish and the new home to The Gentleman of Leisure. What kind souls all and how affable.
Yes, a mere 6 inch x 4 inch piece of cardboard with a greeting bearing a film favorite on its front that traveled a great ocean to Utter Despair ... something that small could make Utter Despair a bit brighter.
Edinburgh is where it's at.
Edinburgh is awesome. I am not a fan of sun. My skin goes from pale to bright red and burnt to a crisp. Sunbeams are hot. They hurt the eyes with their bright beams. So I felt right at home in Scotland, where the sun is ingeniously covered in clouds, resulting in nice, dispersed light. Also, the people there are very pleasant.
Haven't been to Edinburgh, but I do have fond memories of my last night in Athens (long story), where I found myself in the company of two upstanding classics scholars from Glasgow. "Do you like to drink? Do you like to smoke? Then come to Glasgow," they said, and they may well have had a point. Then I drank ouzo with them until 3 in the morning, went back to my room and left the country. Those guys cheered me up like none other.
And where YOU are at, as well.
Jeremy Mathews:
Are you an albino? Even if you are, THE FUTURIST! is very happy you commented. Do so more often. He is not prejudice toward Albinos. Albino Dwarves ... yes ... regular Albinos? No.
Knowing you visited the blog is a wonderful discovery and that you commented, as well. It made THE FUTURIST! very happy.
Your story adds more to your own mystery. And the tale encourages THE FUTURIST! to get his passport. TF!'s heritage is Scottish/Irish/English, therefore he should go ... one day.
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