On July 4th 2006, the Strangelove Sparkler was set off at The Lindenhoffer's holiday bar-b-que. The spectacular sight could be seen for miles ... in fact, as far away as Klippendorf, Germany. NJ went into a Def-Con 2 warning stage and it took a month for THE FUTURIST!'s eyebrows to fully grow back.

THE EL DIABLO ... endorsed by Iraqi Insurgents and sold to anyone with cash by Arnie Spool. Arnie says, "If the Mexican Army had a box of these babies they would have taken over the Alamo and Davey Crockett would never have won." Arnie teaches American History at Montclair State University.

During his pre-pubescent modeling days, haiku was proud to add to his resume his appearance on this Pyrotechnical product. The GASP OF ALL THAT IS EVIL is a firework that creates a beautiful spiraling pinwheel of primary colors and depicts the signing of The Declaration of Independence and every American Revolution battle in its entirety ... however, you must wear protective headgear since it sucks all life giving oxygen from the atmosphere for 20 minutes.
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