Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saturday Music for a Rebel Christmas

THE FUTURIST! wishes all his faithful and unfaithful readers
a very Merry Christmas. May your day be full of cheer and lovely food
and drink that will fill you with a glow of contentment.

THE FUTURIST! is going to visit family today and will be away from
Utter Despair, N.J. for several hours. Of course, he is only traveling
to Ennui, N.J. which is only an empty vodka bottle's throw from Utter Despair.
But, he will try to enjoy himself and have some white wine with his fowl,
which should dull the pain of stuffy annoying relatives and greedy children
feverishly clawing at festive colored wrapped boxes.

Please enjoy this bit of Saturday music about Christmas that posits
the meaning of such a day minus the materialism.

Listen and enjoy the day:

performed by Jackson Browne and The Chieftains


Dara said...

The Chieftans! Strange Christmas tune! I've never heard this.


Glad to introduce you to this piece.