from Cinematical
ABC reports that their Good Housekeeping tested 3D glasses at seven theaters in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. They found not one pair to be sterile. They report: "3D glasses given out at cinemas were found to be contaminated with bacteria that can cause conjunctivitis, skin infections, food poisoning, or even sepsis or pneumonia, but docs say that the germs found are no more threatening than what you find on the arm rest, box of popcorn, or movie seats."
THE FUTURIST! recalls seeing JAWS 3-D in the theater years ago. He was given those red and blue tinted paper glasses. After the film, no one collected the glasses after you departed the auditorium for re-use ... he took them home with him ... and he, also, took home a headache from watching the eye crossing blurry 3 dimensional film. At least he did not take home a viral plague.
They are a bit greasy when you get them.
THE FUTURIST! kept his glasses from CORALINE in 3D. (He hid them in his coat)He gave back his glasses to AVATAR. They stood at the exit wit two men demanding the glasses back.
The new theme is sweet Mr.F!
Very snazzy. Also, in the Eye, they have security chips in the glasses, so they beep if you try to walk out with them.
THE EYE Cinema is very high tech. What a security system. Do the ushers carry fire arms?
Also ...
THE FUTURIST! wanted to change his blog look ... he felt it was getting stale ... but he kept the dark look. He could have gone a bit lighter, but the blog does transmit from Utter Despair, you know.
If you saw Avatar in IMAX 3-D, that's why they were collecting the glasses, since those cost upwards of $25 a pair. The glasses for Real-D and Dolby Digital 3-D are much less expensive, hence the optional 'recycling' bins. The theatres do not re-use them but instead send the collected glasses back to the manufacturer for recycling or cleaning.
Also - Jaws 3-D was not red/blue 3-D. It was polarized 3-D, just as the 3-D films of the 50s were and the 3-D films of today are.
You are probably right about those JAWS 3D glasses. It was so long ago, that THE FUTURIST! can't fully recall every detail. You know how memory can be ... it obviously made you forget your own name.
Also, THE FUTURIST! understands about the 3D glasses process in today's theaters. But thank you for you incredible pedantic nature.
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