Thursday, April 2, 2009

Music Over Opening Credits

I am hated for loving
I am hated for loving
Anonymous call, a poison pen
A brick in the small of the back again
I still don't belong
To anyone - I am mine

And I am hated for loving
I am haunted for wanting
Anonymous call, a poison pen
A brick in the ... ah ...
A brick in the small of the back again
I still don't belong
To anyone - I am mine

I am falling
With no-one to catch me
I am falling
And there's still
No-one to catch me
Ah ..
Anonymous call, a poison pen
A brick in the ... ah ...
A brick in the small of the back again
I just don't belong
To anywhere
I just don't belong

The above lyrics to this particular Morrissey song would musically complement a film about THE FUTURIST! Its insertion wouldn't have to be the original recording or singer ... a cover would be nice; lounge singer, stool, cigarette and cocktail. A good voice, of course. Maybe during the opening credit sequence. Of course, there could be a cliche karaoke scene, but they seem to always appear in current entertainment as a device for a character to express his/her inner self. THE FUTURIST! likes the idea of a spotlight on a crooner, dark surroundings and opening credits ... in Trebuchet font. Don't want to dare tread on that Futura font a la Wes and Jean Luc.

When can filming begin?


M. "Awesome" said...

Let's set up some meetings with potential backers; if we can get someone like Zac Efron for haiku, or even The Young FUTURIST!, then I bet we can get this baby rolling by first quarter '10, the latest.


Oh, that sounds grand. Zac Efron is currently very hot with the young people. But, will the flames still burn bright in 2010 for Effie? Not sure. Do like the idea of him as THE YOUNG FUTURIST! ... could the ubiquitous Aaron Yoo co-star as haiku? Excited!!